A violent person can be identified from his or her handwriting.
Violence is an extreme form of aggression and abuse — physical, mental or sexual.
The intentional and uncontrolled use of physical force, power or words usually disrupts lives, ruins emotional health, and kills relationships. It also leaves a lot of mental and physical scars in its wake.
There are many ways to spot a violent person. One of them is to look at his handwriting. Psychologists have done detailed studies on where this hostility stems from and why some people are violent.
A psychologist has noted:
When negative factors, such as maltreatment and psychological problems, accumulate over a period of time in the absence of positive factors, such as opportunities to succeed and encouragement from people we look up to, violence usually surfaces as a way to deal with the problems and challenges of our lives.
Sounds legit, doesn’t it?
There are several indicators of violence in handwriting. In this article, we will focus on three key signs of violent tendency in handwriting.”
A violent person usually writes with a very heavy pressure
1. Misplaced Heavy Pressure indicates violence
We can’t write without exerting a certain amount of regulated pressure against the paper. It’s a rhythmic process which can be executed flawlessly only when your mind is at ease.
And when it is not at ease, the pressure starts appearing at wrong places, often in an excessive way.
For example, when the pressure is displaced from the downstrokes to the upstrokes, it indicates that the expressive energy is directed against the surroundings.
Violent person: In this handwriting sample, the pressure is optimum. Notice that every downstroke ( in letters L) are thicker than the upstroke.
Students of handwriting analysis know that in a natural writing the pressure on the downstroke is always heavier than the upstroke. When this is misplaced, it could point to the writer’s intense feelings with strong reactions.
2. Identify violence through heavy descending T-bars
Downward t bars is found in handwriting of a violent person
When a great deal of pressure is exerted on a horizontal stroke, such as a t-bar, it is usually indicative of the writer’s aggression. If the pressure is simply too much, the aggression could go out of hands. It becomes even worse if the writer has descending t-bars written with a heavy pressure, suggesting a domineering nature and aggressive force.
3. A Violent Person has Clubbing in Lower-Zone Endings
Club stroke is usually found in the handwriting of a violent person
In this handwriting type, the lower end of the handwriting stroke becomes thicker than the rest of the writing.
This handwriting stroke does not appear very frequently. But if you find it in anyone’s handwriting, look for the nearest exit and avoid getting into a relationship with the person because he/she is capable of releasing that aggression physically in a brutal way.
Also Read: 7 Handwriting Signs That Show You’ve Lost Control