7 Things You Did Not Know about People with Small Handwriting

People with small handwriting can stay focused

Those with small writing can concentrate well

What small handwriting says about your personality

There are many people who have small handwriting. Maybe you are one of them. If you are interested in knowing what small writing means and what it says about your personality, read on.

But before we get to small handwriting, let’s first understand what handwriting size means.

The letter size gives a clear idea about how much importance the writer places upon himself and his action. It is also an indication of how the writer impresses himself upon his environment.

For instance, a large writer approaches life with extroversion and extravagance, while a small writer with introversion and modesty. Letter size shows the writer’s unconscious feelings about relating to other people.

To determine the size of a handwriting sample, check the middle zone letters, such as a, o, e, m, n, u and v.

 7 things small handwriting reveals about personality

#1. Sign of introversion

The size of middle-zone letters  is  a key component while analysing handwriting samples. It indicates how much the writer needs other people, and how many people he can accommodate in his life.

People with small handwriting are very focused individuals, says graphology. They are able to shut out the world and can concentrate very well. Small writing often belongs to people who are introverts who like to live in themselves and rarely want to look beyond. Smaller than average-sized handwriting also denotes an introspective person.

(Also read: Learn how to make a signature)

#2. Ability to concentrate

Small Handwriting

People who have small handwriting are usually not flamboyant or attention-seekers

People with small handwriting often have an academic mentality and can concentrate for long periods of time in their studies and projects. Scholars, researchers and great thinkers have small handwriting.

For example, take the handwriting samples of Albert Einstein and Sir Issac Newton. Like most creative thinkers, the two have small handwriting.

Now, you may ask why. Have you ever tried writing very small? If not, give it shot. Try writing very, very small. You will know it’s not easy to write that way unless it is your normal style. You will also have to be extremely focused.

Scholars need to shut out the world in order to focus on their work. They do not allow their minds to wander. The need to concentrate and stay focused is reflected by their small handwriting.

In other words, someone with small writing can concentrate well.

As a general rule small handwriting reveals the ability of the mind to concentrate on details, to do work which calls for meticulous results.

These people don’t rush about to try out all new ideas or attend to too many jobs all at one time; they use care in thought and action.

Albert Einstein's handwriting

Albert Einstein’s handwriting

3. Small writing = Intellectual

Neat and small writing indicates, as a general rule, intellectuality, good reasoning powers, culture, and originality of ideas. Many literary persons, scholars, statesmen, philosophers and persons of mental refinement generally, write small hands.

small writing of Sir Issac Newton's handwriting

Small writing: Sir Issac Newton’s handwriting

#4. Reserved & reticent

People who write small are usually not flamboyant or attention-seekers. They are like quiet mice nibbling at their cheese in a corner. They feel discomfort when you shower on them a great deal of attention. In short, they are reserved. They do not seek the limelight and are not very communicative except with close friends.

People with small handwriting are apt to be self-contained and patient, with a natural reticence concerning their personal affairs. They are not apt to make a display of feeling in public.

They may enjoy the companionship of their fellows, but they seldom crave it or find it essential to their well-being. They are usually the happiest when alone with their own thoughts and work.

#5. Pressure handler

According to handwriting analysis, people with small writing are able to handle pressure pretty well. They work with amazing efficiency when it comes to paying attention to small details.

Such writers understand their social limitations and they usually desist from making incursions into others’ personal space. Also, they are quite guarded in their reactions.

#6. Versatile

7 Things You Did Not Know about People with Small Handwriting 1

Mental powers of people with small handwriting are above the average and their general abilities and capacities are pronounced.

Those with small writing are persons of individuality and force of character. Their mental powers are above the average and their general abilities and capacities are pronounced. They are naturally versatile, well-informed, acquisitive of knowledge, and good thinkers and reasoners.

#7. Self-reliant

If the writing, in addition to being small, is well-formed and even, it indicates a person of methodical ways ; neat, self-reliant and thorough. Writers of this style of hand seldom do anything hastily or ill-advisedly, but are governed always by well-trained faculties.

What does it mean when a person writes very small?

People with extremely small handwriting are shy and have some self-esteem issues. They do not value themselves high. Such writers totally avoid the company of others, primarily because they fear that people will know their own lack of faith in themselves. They are very insecure, and if they are forced to become social they behave quite abnormally.

Also read: 5 Things You Can’t Guess about People with Large Handwriting

Small handwriting: 3 key points

In handwriting analysis, small handwriting can be interpreted in different ways depending on the context and other handwriting features.

  • Small handwriting may indicate that the writer is introverted, focused on details, and prefers to keep their thoughts and feelings to themselves. This can also suggest a tendency towards being cautious, reserved, and precise.
  • Small handwriting can also suggest that the writer is highly self-disciplined and has a strong sense of self-control. They may be able to concentrate for long periods and have a good attention to detail. This type of handwriting is often seen in people who work in scientific or technical fields where precision is highly valued.
  • Small handwriting can also indicate a lack of confidence, shyness, and a fear of being judged. It may also be a sign of a lack of self-expression or a reluctance to open up emotionally.

In any case, the interpretation of small handwriting should always be considered in the context of other handwriting features, such as the slant, pressure, and spacing between letters.

Disclaimer: One element of handwriting may be analysed at a time, but always look at the entire handwriting sample before arriving at any conclusion.