1 Simple Handwriting Change That Can Make Students Persistent

Persistence in handwriting

Persistence in handwriting

Every now and then, my friend Lundroo, a very munificent and benevolent human being, makes some tough resolutions.

One of the recent ones was: “I’ll drastically cut down my weekly peg count to 40 and will smoke only five packets of cigarettes every day. No more hashish and fewer doses of opium. Late night parties only till 4 am and visit to my favourite temple in Kamathipura just thrice a week…”

You may smirk, but please don’t be judgmental. Lundroo is a virtuous man with some ordinary vices.

It’s different that Lundroo has broken half the resolutions already and I’m confident he’ll soon smash the remaining.

“What else do you do with these humbug resolutions?” Lundroo told me once before gulping pegs of rum and quickly getting into a taxi to Kamathipura.

We know many people who fail to execute what they plan. It’s not only about the New Year resolutions but also about their day-to-day decisions, which don’t materialise for lack of persistence.

If this trait is combined with indiscipline (seen in the overall organisation of the handwriting), people like Lundroo can’t carry out any changes in their lifestyle despite feeling a dire need for it.

Lack of persistence in personality (Illustration by Sudhir Shetty)

Persistence, graphology says, is shown in handwriting by a tendency to make optional strokes (i-dots and t-bars) without lifting the pen.

In pic A, the writer has crossed his ‘t’ that way. In his bestseller, Success Secrets of The Rich & Happy, US-based graphologist Bart Baggett has listed this stroke as one of the secrets of famous people.

Persistence in personality seen through handwriting

Persistence strokes, seen in lower case t’s and f’s (pic B), enables a person to face setbacks and overcome odds without coming across as obstinate.

Bart says if people include such strokes in their handwriting, they can benefit in executing their plans. Students too can practise these strokes to enhance their persistence in order to finish their tasks and assignments. In fact, it can be used by adults as well.

But here’s a warning:

According to handwriting analysis, too many persistence strokes can backfire and they’ll transform you into a stubborn person.

Metaphorically speaking, with a great many persistence strokes in handwriting, you won’t use the door to exit from a room: you’d rather break a portion of the wall to go out.

So, do not use it without consulting a graphologist. I repeat do NOT use it without asking an expert!

Sorry, we left Lundroo midway. He’s improving upon his past performance in waywardness.

Let’s wish him all the best!

Do you also have a story to share on you persistence level?

Disclaimer: One element of handwriting may be analysed at a time, but always look at the entire handwriting sample before arriving at any conclusion.