Detecting lies in handwriting
I have to tell you something. Could I talk to you in private? It’s strictly between you and me. I think it might hurt you, but I can’t keep you in the dark any more.
Actually, all this handwriting analysis talk that I do here is crap. I am a charlatan, mountebank and a flamboyant deceiver. Whatever I have been talking about on this website is a bunch of lies and has no ground whatsoever.
In short, what you just heard from me is: the articles you have been reading on graphology by me for the past several years—first through a column called Write Choice in Mumbai Mirror, and subsequently on this website which I launched in 2008—are falderal, rubbish, trash and of course nonsensical.
Many of you, especially those who wrote me these lovely testimonials, would think I am just kidding and they would be inclined to take my revelations above with a pinch of salt.
But I insist that what I have spoken above is the truth and nothing but the truth. Yes, I fooled you. I have been horsing around with you for the past many years.
It feels bad, doesn’t it? All this while I had been telling you stories about how useful handwriting analysis is in our day-to-day lives, and one day you get to know I was bullshitting all along. I am a big liar.
This is probably not the first time you have been deceived. This is surely not the first time you blindly believed the person who you thought was speaking the truth.
When promises are broken and trust is breached, it hurts and you wish you were forewarned about the person. The challenge is how to see the true face of a liar before he can cause damage.
Is there any way we can ensure that you don’t feel as cheated and betrayed as you just did because of my revelations?
Let me try.
Detecting lies in handwriting: Check the loops inside oval letters
Before I tell you how to identify liars, first allow me wear a headgear and a shield and pull out my sword from the scabbard (just in case you want to attack me).
Yes, you can use graphology for detecting lies in handwriting.
Example of lies in handwriting analysis
Detecting lies in handwriting analysis
Look for double loops in the lower case ‘O’ — the communication letter.
Graphology says if the double loops in the alphabet appear frequently, you have a pathological liar. However, it must be observed how big the loops are and how often they are found.
If the loops occur just once or twice and are small, the writer just withholds truth. However, there is a valid reason to put on your running shoes if you repeatedly see the strokes in someone’s handwriting.
Double loop overlapping to create a third loop (in picture below). This signifies that a person lies uncontrollably. These people are not trustworthy.
Pathological liar is shown by a combination of loops in the right and left side of lower case a’s and o’s.
Please make a note here that a single loop on the left or on the right has a different meaning. We will talk about it later. Do not confuse it with double loops.
Detecting lies in handwriting: Check out the loops in ovals.
American handwriting analyst and president of Handwriting University Bart Baggett says:
Inner loops that cross over signify a person is not comfortable telling the whole truth. The bigger the loops, the bigger the lies. This trait is very often a defence mechanism for a person who fears the consequences of telling the truth. Lying is intentional and for their own gain. This person is not to be trusted.”
Deal with those with lying loops
Now that you’ve learned all about lying loops in the letter ‘O’, you may find that many people, including some of your close friends and relatives, have those loops in their handwriting.
So, what do you do? You snap all ties with them? Or never believe anything they say?
Well, neither of the responses is feasible or practicable, because till a lie is proven, it’s not a lie. And if you suspect every thing a person says, you will turn yourself into a skeptical person.
So, how do you handle this?
Honestly, even I don’t know. But I will tell you a story—a true story.
Detecting lies in handwriting: A habitual liar always shows you a rosy picture.
As a handwriting analyst, I met a girl about several years ago. Her handwriting revealed she had been abused and ill-treated by people very close to her. She was betrayed several times.
Gradually, she saw a friend in me and got close to me. Now, she did not want to lose me and wanted my attention.
But because she was an abused person who was made to feel worthless and good for nothing all her life, she was not sure whether I will give her attention, as she did not consider herself worthy.
She thought I would also ill-treat her the way others did. So, the only way she could continue getting my attention was by magnifying her misery before me. She knew I would be sympathetic.
She was right. I did become soft towards her then nothing stopped her from mistaking my sympathy for attention. She would frequently call me up and say how badly she was mistreated at home.
I felt bad about that and would listen to her and call her back sometimes to make her feel good.
One evening, I got a call from her cellphone. She told me she could not take any more harassment, and therefore she had left her home and shifted to a friend’s place, where she was in an “awful condition”.
I listened to her helplessly, hoping I could do something about her situation.
I was telling her something and was trying to console and comfort her and then… snap… all of a sudden, she disconnected the phone.
But I had heard a sound in the background and I had recognised it unmistakably: it was the unique ring tone of her home landline phone.
She was at home that evening. She did not go anywhere. She just wanted my attention. So, she lied to me.
She was manipulating the situation to hold my attention.
Did her handwriting have these loops? Yes.
But there were a few other things in her handwriting, which supported lying loops. She had a big lower zone, which reflects a tendency to exaggerate. Plus, she had a low self-esteem.
You might want to know what I did after that. Well, not immediately but soon I snapped all my ties with her. I am not in touch with her any more.
She was not vile or treacherous when she told me that lie. She was really an ill-treated woman who needed some respect. She got it from me. So, naturally she did not want to let me go.
It’s straight and simple. But I left because I had to go. I knew I would not want be in a situation like that where I would have been required to deal with her insecurities. More than anything, I did not want to be manipulated.
The point I am trying to make is that there is little sense in being judgemental about her or anyone else who has such a loop in their handwriting. It’s just a defence mechanism, as Bart says.
In the fight for survival and respect, they lie and manipulate to turn things in their favour.
If you find your friends have these loops and you don’t like to be with them, just make an informed decision to protect your interests and be careful.
That’s probably the easiest way to deal with them.
Do you have these loops?
Detecting lies in handwriting: This is the way a’s & o’s should be. Clean and clear
If you are the one who has these loops in the handwriting, try to get rid of them.
Many handwriting analysts do not recommend removal of these loops because it is part of an individual’s survival strategy.
But I strongly recommend you take it out because most of the time, one’s lies, subsequent revelations and then the feeling of betrayal ruthlessly injures their emotional health.
But make sure that the fears that caused those loops are also shown the doors. If they don’t, loops will continue to reappear.
For example, if you incessantly feel you are going to lose, you will be tempted to lie in order to ensure you taste victory by hook or by crook.Therefore, before you take the lying loops out of your handwriting, make sure the fears are annihilated first.
More handwriting clues
Detecting lies in handwriting: The real sign of a liar is in how he or she writes.According an article on Daily Mail, if you want to know if someone is telling you the truth, don’t analyse their body language, eye movements and choice of words. Apparently, the real sign of a liar is in how he or she writes.
The article says that scientists claim to have discovered a series of tell-tale clues in the handwriting of fibbers. They found those who write lies press harder on the paper, have longer strokes of the pen and produce taller letters than those telling the truth.
The differences are too subtle to see with the naked eye, but can be detected using a computer and a touch-sensitive pad.
Research for detecting lies in handwriting
Researchers at the University of Haifa, Israel, asked 34 volunteers to write two short paragraphs, one recalling a real memory, the other a fictitious event.
The volunteers used a wireless electronic pen with a pressure-sensitive tip to write their memories and lies on paper placed on a computer tablet, which monitored and analysed their writing style.
‘In the false writing condition, the average pressure, stroke length and height were significantly higher than in the true writing condition,’ the researchers reported in the Journal of Applied Cognitive Psychology.
Detecting lies in handwriting: An indicator
Detecting lies in handwriting: Conclusion
Psychologists suggested that lying changes handwriting because it forces the brain to work harder to invent facts, interfering with the normal writing process.
Professor Richard Wiseman, psychologist at the University of Hertfordshire, said the technique for detecting lies in handwriting was promising, but needed testing on a much bigger scale.
‘We know that people hesitate more when they lie and some companies already use this fact to see how long it takes people to tick boxes when filling in surveys online,’ he said.
He pointed out that traditional polygraph lie detectors were unreliable and ‘messy’. By contrast a handwriting test for detecting lies would be less intrusive and could be used at a job interview, for example.
By the way, everything about handwriting analysis I have been telling you for the past several years is true. To know about how you can use graphology for detecting lies, learn handwriting analysis.