Left margin in handwriting analysis
Move on, Jess. I know you’re in pain, but there’s no point remembering your abusive husband. I understand it was a bad phase. But that’s not the end of the world. It’s past, it’s gone, it’s done. You cannot do anything about it now. It’s best to leave it behind.”
This is what a friend of mine advised her cousin, Jessica, who got divorced after staying in a torturous marriage for about a year. But it just wasn’t enough to make her move on though she did not want to remember those traumatic experiences.
To be fair, Jessica did try to bury the past, but she failed. Every time she was alone, she would replay in her mind the violent movie featuring herself and her ex-husband. “I have no feelings left for him [ex-husband]. But I don’t know why I can’t help thinking about the terrible period of my life,” she said.
As a handwriting analyst, I have met many people like Jessica for whom the idea of leaving the dirty past behind and moving on is an unfulfilled desire. They earnestly want to slough off bitter memories and move on, but they cannot.
Things that went horribly wrong in the past usually haunt them in solitude. Be it a bad childhood, a failed marriage, an abusive relationship, broken trust, an insulting boss, a heart-breaking loss… the list goes on.
Left margin in handwriting should be studied by a handwriting expert to know how the past is affecting the writer’s present.
Often, people who are not sufficiently motivated to eliminate the factors that caused the pain, respond to their bad experiences in two ways:
First, they develop defence mechanisms to deal with all subsequent pain.
For instance, children of excessively critical parents become over sensitive and defensive. Any criticism or negative comment — real or imaginative — is like salt on their open wound (reflected by loops in small case t’s and d’s).
Similarly, a girl, who was sexually abused, stops trusting people (often shown by narrow loops in y’s and g’s and disconnected letters) in order to avoid any possible physical intimacy that she believes will surely put her in the same horrible situation.
The second reaction to a nasty past is similar to the response Jessica gave in order to keep unpleasant memories at beck and call. In every free moment, people like Jessica take a dip into their past and come out with a heavy feeling.
This is what we call emotional baggage from the past, which is often accused of screwing up both the present and the future.
Let’s see how.
Case 1: Recently, I met a 34-year-old who told me he was unable to forget his girlfriend who married someone else. He could not get himself to like any other girl with a view to make her his life partner.
Case 2: A college student told me she feels too scared of her teachers because many years ago a tutor molested her and even threatened to kill her if she ever reported the matter to her parents.
Case 3: A woman told me she had walked out of her one-year-old marriage because of her violent husband, but she still revisits those frightful moments in her memory and is unable to commit to new relationships though she wants to.
Case 4: This one is more interesting. A reader, whom I will call Annie, once sent me her handwriting sample. She had been facing a similar problem. Annie’s handwriting showed she was confused (uneven line spacing) because she had put herself into many things at the same time and was unable to give a satisfactory direction to her emotional energy. (Read her letter below)
Narrow left margin in handwriting. If the left margin in handwriting is less than an inch, it indicates that the writer’s life is influenced a great deal by what happened in his past.
In the handwriting of all four, there were two things in common: one, they were all high-pressure writers, which indicated that they had an indelible memory. Two, they wrote with an extremely narrow left margin (less than one inch). See Annie’s handwritten letter for reference.
Graphology says the writing on an unruled paper should ideally have one-inch margin on the left. If the left margin in handwriting is breached, it signifies that the writer is unable to resolve his past issues and is still struggling with them.
In fact, you will be surprised to know that according to a graphological calculation, the extent of the breach into the left margin corresponds to the time when the troubling issues of the present cropped up in the writer’s life.
Learned men have said we must draw lessons from the past, but never live in it. It is necessary to dump the emotional baggage from the past.
Now, it’s time for a solution through graphotherapy. For 30 days at a stretch, start writing exactly one inch from the left edge of the paper and go all the way to one inch from the right edge. If you do this exercise for 10 minutes every day and maintain one inch left margin in handwriting, you will able to separate your present from the past.
About the exercise, famous handwriting analyst Joan Belzer says:
Maybe the memories will not be completely forgotten [after you do the exercise], but they will be closed.”
You must be wondering what happened to Jessica. Well, I don’t know. We never met.
By the way, Annie is now married and she is settled abroad. I had recommended a graphotherapy exercise for her. She completed it and was gracious enough to send me this note a few months later:
Thanks, Vishwas. It [the exercise] did help. I see things clearly now. I’m married now and I’m determined to make things work well. I won’t allow the past or any trace of it to interfere with the present and the future. Thanks again for your help. It helped me big time.”