Life would have been simpler if people’s nose became longer every time they lied.
Being honest may not get you a lot of friends, but it’ll always get you the right ones.”
— John Lennon
Honesty, or the lack of it, is an evergreen topic. It never goes out of fashion, thanks to the presence of many honest and dishonest people around us.
Frankly, it’s a challenge for each of us to keep distinguishing between those who are honest and those who are not. It’s important to be aware of that—for our own sanity.
Sometimes I wish a person’s nose became longer every time he lied. Life would have been so much simple. Unfortunately, it does not work that way, and we are forced to spend energy and time in figuring out whether someone is telling the truth or not.
There are various scientific ways to deduce if someone is being honest. Using a combination of verbal and non-verbal clues, you could, of course, find that out about the integrity and moral soundness of a person. But that requires a lot of research and practice.
There is, however, a simpler tool which can help you determine whether someone is honest or not. I’m talking about handwriting analysis.
Handwriting & honesty
When I started taking lessons in graphology, I was surprised to learn how many things it could reveal about a person. Let me demonstrate it to you by giving a couple of examples.
Everyone appreciates an honest person—the one who is truthful, doesn’t play foul games, and above all, is sincere.
In our daily lives, we need to be perspicacious enough to differentiate between honest and dishonest people. The good news is that handwriting can help you here.
But, like always, there’s a caveat: Remember to look at the handwriting sample in its totality before arriving at any conclusions about an individual.
Let’s go then.
Clue #1. Straight baseline
Baseline is that imaginary line in a handwriting sample on which all letters rest. The firmness of the baseline, or the absence of it, gives many clues about the personality of a writer.
Someone who writes with a reasonably straight baseline is known to have a good moral fibre, whereas a wobbly baseline, among other things, points to the writer’s vulnerability as far as his morality is concerned.
Example of a reasonably straight baseline in handwriting.
If you’re wondering how we are going to understand through handwriting whether a person is being truthful or honest to me or to others, here is the answer:
When we analyse a handwriting sample, we look at its various aspects such as simplicity, baseline and the level of clarity.
According to handwriting analysis, if the baseline of the handwriting is reasonably straight, it points to the fact that the writer is capable of being honest, and he won’t easily compromise his integrity.
A wobbly handwriting baseline, on the other hand, could indicate the writer’s tendency to fib or lie.
Clue #2. Open ovals
As we have noted in another article, the more open the oval letters are, the more talkative the writer is.
Oval letters open from top point to the writer’s talkative nature and his inability to keep a secret.
If someone’s handwriting is peppered with a few open oval letter here and there, it points to the possibility that the writer is talkative and he just can’t keep his mouth shut.
Avoid sharing your secrets with someone who handwriting has plenty of open ovals
However, if all oval letters in the handwriting are open, it would be be better if you avoid sharing your secrets with the writer because he will find it difficult to keep them.
These types of writers may not be evil, but their inability to keep a secret could cause you harm.
It could be frustrating for all of us when we have a hunch that someone might be lying to us, but we can’t seem to get to the bottom of whether they are really telling the truth or lying. But using handwriting analysis as a tool, you may overcome the challenge.
Besides the two features discussed above, there are several other indicators of dishonesty in handwriting, which can be discovered only when you learn handwriting analysis and explore the subject in detail.
Let’s hear from you if you have a story to share. Post a handwriting sample in the comment box below and I will give you my feedback.
(The author is a handwriting analyst based in Kolkata. She could be reached at