How to Spot a Bully by Looking at His Handwriting

Are you a bully?

Are you a bully?

There are two kinds of people: those who bully, and those who get bullied.

As a child, I fell in the second category. I was often bullied mainly because of my frail physique.

It was so troubling at that time that though it’s been about 23 years since I saw them, I distinctly remember the faces of the two guys who would leave no chance to mess around with me — sometimes verbally and often physically.

They terribly frustrated me, making me want to do to them what a group of friends did to Nick Stahl in a 2001 movie, Bully: Kill them.

But before I could execute my murderous plans, the two moved out of that residential area. They saved their lives and I strongly feel that their families should have at least sent me a Thank You note. But they did not show any gratitude.

These two ungrateful guys were history for me till about three years ago when I came across the handwriting sample of a person who reminded me of them.

Handwriting of a bully

How to Spot a Bully by Looking at His Handwriting 1

The handwriting was shown to me by a 40-something man who had contacted me after reading my graphology articles in Mumbai Mirror.

The sample belonged to his 15-year-old son.

“This guy is giving you a tough time, isn’t he?” I said the first thing after looking at his handwriting.

The well-built man just looked at me sternly without saying a word. I feared he might hit me for having got that wrong. Suddenly, he started coughing.

I offered him a glass of water. A few seconds later, he said: “I am sick of my son’s behaviour. He does not listen to anyone. Hardly does a week pass when I don’t get complaints against him. I think he is getting out of hand. I punish him every now and then. But I am not able to beat sense into his head. I am tired of this, but he is not…”

I said with nervous smile: “He has become an intractable boy… something like a bully…”

“Oh yes!” he said, interrupting me. “He often beats up friends, forcibly snatches away their things. And I don’t know why he needs to do all that. There is nothing we deny him.”

Our meeting went on for the next 40 minutes, during which the man talked about his son’s “bad” attitude and recounted how he had put him in trouble quite a few times.

He also spoke at length about his strong belief in the theory that children can be kept under control only if they are dealt with an iron fist.

Ironic, isn’t it? I felt the same. With such a bully in his dad, the child could not have behaved otherwise. The boy, I got to know during the conversation, had all the reasons to become a bully:

  • He had family problems
  • He was being bullied himself
  • He was made to feel bad about himself. Hence, he wanted to make other feel bad too
  • He was feeling insecure and unimportant, and bullying empowered him

T-bar going downhillThe boy’s handwriting in general was disorganised and pasty. It was mostly angular, which suggested he was filled with aggression and was tense all the time.

The pressure was too heavy, which showed that he did things quite intensely, and felt unloved. Besides all this, his handwriting was fraught with t-bars going downhill, which indicated an individual’s tendency to control and force others into behaving in a certain way. In short, a bully.

We discussed more about the boy from whatever I saw in his handwriting. I suggested a handwriting exercise for his son. He said he would force him to do the exercises. At this point, I asked him to go a little easy on his son.

As expected, he refused, saying, “You don’t know how vicious he is. He doesn’t understand nice words.”

Now, I was curious to see the handwriting of this man. But I knew I was going to be disappointed because he had made up his mind that I would have none of it, especially after I vehemently disagreed with his strong belief that cane is needed to make a child behave.

The man left after some time, while I stayed there for a while wondering who needed counselling: the father or the son. Maybe both, I guess.

handwriting analysis for dummies: Meaning of T-bars

In handwriting analysis, the letter “t” is often considered one of the most revealing letters in a person’s handwriting. This is because the “t” has several unique features that can provide insight into a person’s personality traits, emotional state, and even their level of confidence.

One particular feature of the “t” that handwriting analysts pay close attention to is the “t-bar.” The t-bar is the horizontal line that crosses the stem of the “t.” Depending on how this line is formed, it can reveal a great deal about a person’s personality.

In general, a straight, horizontal t-bar is seen as a sign of confidence and self-assurance. People who form their t-bars in this way tend to be decisive and sure of themselves, with a clear sense of direction in life. They are often seen as strong leaders and are not easily swayed by the opinions of others.

On the other hand, a t-bar that slopes downwards to the right can indicate a lack of self-confidence or a tendency towards self-doubt. People who form their t-bars in this way may be hesitant to assert themselves or take risks, and may struggle with feelings of insecurity or inadequacy.

A t-bar that slopes upwards to the right can indicate a more optimistic and positive outlook on life. People who form their t-bars in this way tend to be enthusiastic and energetic, with a can-do attitude that helps them overcome obstacles and achieve their goals.

Finally, a t-bar that curves downwards at the end can indicate a tendency towards pessimism or negativity. People who form their t-bars in this way may be prone to feelings of sadness or depression, and may have a hard time seeing the bright side of things.

In conclusion, the t-bar is just one of many features that handwriting analysts use to gain insight into a person’s personality and emotional state. By paying close attention to the way someone forms their t-bars, analysts can gain valuable information about their level of confidence, optimism, and overall outlook on life. Whether you’re a handwriting analyst or simply curious about the secrets that your handwriting might reveal, the t-bar is a fascinating aspect of this ancient art that is well worth exploring further.

Disclaimer: One element of handwriting may be analysed at a time, but always look at the entire handwriting sample before arriving at any conclusion.