Holding grudges also means burning your soul 24×7
Many things make the complete man; letting go is just one of them.”
That is the tagline of Raymond’s advertisement (video at the end of the article).
Quite a thoughtful ad by the fabric company, I must say. It gets the message across lucidly and effectively.
The advertisement seeks to establish that one is a complete man if one is able to let go of things.
Strictly speaking, the ad and its story line are not relevant to the subject of this article. But its tagline is.
In the Indian society, the ability to ‘let go of things’ is respected because it reinforces the theory of renunciation, whose importance as an ideal is widely accepted. In fact, it has been glorified even in our mythological accounts.
In Ramayana, for example, Lord Ram was considered an ideal man because one of his characteristics was to give up things that essentially belonged to him.
He renounced his claim to the throne to honour his father’s words. He let go of his wife, Sita, just to prove a social point.
There is another aspect of renunciation: it is the ability to put a barrier between your present and your past; the ability to relinquish the past; the ability to let bygones be bygones.
This quality is admired because it buttresses the theory that the future is more important than the past, and the days that have passed should not be allowed to interfere with the future in a negative or destructive way.
Oops! I did not realise when we came so dangerously close to philosophy. Allow me to turn back and explain to you the purpose of this article in a simple and mundane manner.
Essentially, we are distinguishing between two types of people: those who are smart enough to understand the futility of letting the past influence the future, and those who tie themselves tightly with some past incidents as if their lives would have no meaning if they abandoned those memories.
Revenge, an American primetime television series, is woven around an old grudge that drives protagonist Emily Thorne to avenge the death of her father.
Let’s talk about people who just cannot ‘let it go’ even if they want to; about those who harbour grudges for years.
American graphologist Bart Baggett says:
People with deep-rooted resentment tend to carry grudges like Olympic torches – the flame doesn’t go out!”
What this means is that there are people who just emotionally hold onto things for long.
According to graphology, the handwriting of such a person is likely to have the following three features:
1. Very heavy handwriting pressure
In an organised handwriting, heavy handwriting pressure is considered good. Such writers are energetic and show perseverance and persistence.
People who press very hard on the paper while writing have the capability to achieve, and they have exceptional memory, which makes them hold on to past experiences for long.
Please keep in mind that heavy pressure of handwriting is not a bad thing to have unless they are accompanied by the two other traits mentioned below.
2. Extreme tenacity
If you know someone who holds grudges for far too long, it is possible that he is more tenacious than he should be. According to handwriting analysis, tenacity in personality is reflected in handwriting in t-bars that end with a hook. If the writer has a very heavy handwriting pressure, the tendency to hold grudges will be pronounced.
3. Narrow left margin
If you keep talking or thinking about your past most of the time, it is possible that there is some anomaly in your left margin.
Someone who writes with a deep handwriting pressure and narrow left margin will always be in the woods of the past; he will never be able to come out of it.
He will be forever clutching on to bad things from the past, mostly to the detriment of his future. (Read more about narrow left margin in a handwriting sample.)
Besides the three elements above, there could be many other handwriting strokes that indicate that the writer holds grudges.
According to graphology, Some of them include sharp hooks in the lower zone, beginning strokes that start below the baseline, and exaggerated upper-zone loops. You may learn about them all and various other aspects of handwriting with our home-study course in handwriting analysis.
Let’s move on.
If you hold grudges and have these elements in your handwriting, you ought to remove them by undertaking graphotherapy exercises from an accomplished handwriting analyst.