Mental Illness, High Blood Pressure? Handwriting Analysis can Reveal All

Mental Illness, High Blood Pressure? Handwriting Analysis can Reveal All 1

By Kathi McKnight

Handwriting Analysis and health

Handwriting analysis is an ancient science that has been around since the days of Aristotle. Most commonly known for its assistance in police work and forgery cases, its uses extend far beyond that.

So, how does it work? What we write comes from the conscious mind. How we write comes from the subconscious mind.

According to handwriting analysis, handwriting is about the brain, not the hand. Nerve impulses travel down the arm, into the hand, directing the fingers to maneuver the pen. When the ink hits the paper, it actually reveals the complex inner workings inside the writer’s body mind and spirit.

A deeply trained graphologist can spot imbalances in handwriting that reveal imbalances in the body mind and spirit.

Let me take you by the hand (pun intended) and show you how a trained graphologist can “read between the lines”.

Things We Watch for vis-a-vis handwriting analysis and health

The upper loops, the lower loops, the size of the writing, the pressure, if the writing is angular or rounded, where the t’s are crossed, where the i’s are dotted, the margins and so very much more. Then we stack all the traits together! (Cardiac problems and handwriting)

Although there is a link between handwriting analysis and health, it’s important to note that a graphologist will never diagnose anyone from their handwriting nor do we recommend anyone self diagnose. Just be mindful.

Before I reveal a few simple tips for what to watch for in your own handwriting you need to know: We all have a mixture of good and not so good traits in our handwriting. It’s part of being perfectly imperfect and deliciously human.

You can find a more complete list of traits, and one rare and exclusive look at a strong indicator of potential heart disease in my book, Handwriting Analysis: The Good, the Un-good and the “Un-expected”.

Let’s jump in. Many years of compiled studies and research have discovered that everything from pregnancy to schizophrenia, thyroid imbalance to suicidal tendencies, cancer to Parkinson’s, mental illness to nymphomania, and much more can show up in a person’s writing. The following are some health problems that can be identified in handwriting.

Handwriting and health: Tremors

If you have always had rhythmic, beautiful handwriting and it has deteriorated so badly, it may be more than too much computer use. Is there a tremor or shakiness that has developed in the writing?

While this can be one of numerous indicators found in handwriting of one battling a serious illness or severe stress, it is also an indicator of a non-life threatening illness called Essential Tremors.

One difference between Parkinson’s and Essential Tremors is that, with Essential Tremors, the hand will stop shaking when it rests against something stationary. Let your hand rest on the paper as you prepare to write and notice if the shaking stops.

High Blood Pressure

High blood pressure

Curious about high blood pressure? Writing with variable pressure is one possible indicator, especially when it goes from light to dark. When in doubt, use a magnifying glass.


Handwriting deteriorates as the mental faculties deteriorate.

Ronald Reagan’s handwriting, before Alzheimer’s:

handwriting analysis and health

One of many factors includes script that changes to irregular or altered letters coupled with trembles in the writing. The writing will also slow down.

Ronald Reagan’s handwriting, during Alzheimer’s:

Mental Illness, High Blood Pressure? Handwriting Analysis can Reveal All 2

Mental Illness

Severe depression or schizophrenia is easily spotted in handwriting.

Mental Illness, High Blood Pressure? Handwriting Analysis can Reveal All 3

When the slant varies within a sentence or within the same word frequently in a given handwriting sample, it is one form of evidence the writer is not having continual contact with reality.


Nearly everyone has at least one sign of depression in their writing, which is nothing to worry about. It is when you or a loved one has a grocery list of these specific traits found in the writing that you want to pay closer attention.

1. Signature analysis says you should never ever cross out your own name when you sign it. (See the signature below. An example of how a signature should not be.)

Mental Illness, High Blood Pressure? Handwriting Analysis can Reveal All 4

This potentially exposes a deep subconscious belief that you do not believe you deserve to take up space in your own life, let alone on the planet. The writer will ultimately seek out little or not so little ways to self-destruct.

2. Downhill writing:

Mental Illness, High Blood Pressure? Handwriting Analysis can Reveal All 5

If you had to guess would you presume this writer is feeling optimistic or depressed? This is another sign of depression.

3. Emotional starvation:

 Mental Illness, High Blood Pressure? Handwriting Analysis can Reveal All 6

Notice the ending stroke that curves up, over and moves to the left of the word, hovering above it like a protective covering. This writer is very tired of taking care of everyone else and is deeply yearning that someone takes care of her for a change.

4. Loops in the “d” stem:

Mental Illness, High Blood Pressure? Handwriting Analysis can Reveal All 7

Sadly, this is an all too common stroke I see in clients’ handwriting. This writer is harder on themselves than he or she would ever be on anyone else, especially when looking in the mirror. This is an indicator that this person needs to take better care of their body. There is more to this trait than meets the eye and an important one on which to perform graphotherapy – the science of changing your writing to change your life.

Article source:  Dr Oz show

Disclaimer: One element of handwriting may be analysed at a time, but always look at the entire handwriting sample before arriving at any conclusion.