It’ll be useful to get your handwriting analysed.
Many people simplistically believe that personality development is all about improving your appearance to impress others. Nothing could be farther from the truth.
Personality development is also about improving performance, correcting attitude towards life and improving relationships. These components have a greater impact on the quality of our lives and they leave a more lasting impression on others.
Several years of research and studies have proved that handwriting analysis greatly helps in the well-rounded development of your personality.
Therefore, it makes sense to look within, which handwriting analysis enables us to by revealing our true self including the subconscious.
Broadly speaking, there are five advantages of getting handwriting analysed:
#1. Improving Efficiency
Get your handwriting analysed to improve your efficiency.
Abilities/strong points in our personality can be known and further developed, whereas weak points can be improved. It improves our performance and efficiency in life or workplace.
#2. Exploring Aptitude & Abilities
Your handwriting gives a glimpse of your subconscious and it could reveal hidden talents and aptitude which may be unknown to you. Exploring these can help in developing them as well as selecting a proper career, in which we can excel and enjoy working.
Remember what Confucius said: “Choose a job you love, and you will never have to work a day in your life.”
#3. Improving Relationships
Get your handwriting analysed to improve your relationships
We can know if we are insensitive, hypersensitive, inconsiderate, ruthless, critical, stubborn, self-centered, egoistic, greedy, carry resentments etc. All these affect our relationships.
In extreme cases, it brings loneliness, makes us difficult to cope with crisis and eventually creates or aggravates psychological problems.
#4. Enhancing Emotional Quotient
Get your handwriting analysed to know the emotional aspect of your personality.
Handwriting reveals our emotional aspects – whether we overreact to stressful situations, emergencies, delays, other’s mistakes, our failures etc. So, it can offer us an opportunity to control them.
This, in turn, enhances our EQ, which increases our efficiency and success in personal and professional lives.
#5. Improving Attitude
Handwriting reflects whether we are pessimistic, hardly contended, depressive, insecure, too serious, having low self-esteem, excessively carrying guilt feelings/grudges etc.
Moreover, the intensity of any suffering depends on our attitude. Once known, with determination we can change our attitude.
Incidentally, improving attitude is a more effective way of bringing happiness in our life than seeking it through external sources like materialistic means luxuries and efforts to satisfy endless demands of instincts.
Kahlil Gibran has rightly said:
Your Happiness depends upon not so much by what life brings to you as by the attitude you bring to life; not so much what happens to you as the way your mind looks at what happens”.
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