Tears are like pearls. No wonder they sell well—most of the time.
Evidently, many buy tears (teary stories). Many ignore them. Some drops are genuine, some fake. A lot of people shed tears to feel lighter; a great many misuse them to arm-twist others into meeting selfish ends.
Some say tears are soul’s shower, others argue they reflect lack of power. Some let them flow when they are in pain; many withhold because they think it’s a shame.
Clearly, the world is split over tears. Both views are valid, no doubt, and there are plenty of arguments to cushion each of them.
Hence, it would be foolish to take sides and decide which of the two is “more precise” and “logical”. For the moment, we can all agree that the value of this salt-water solution depends on situations.
Emotional behaviour
The acceptability of tears public is utmost only in utter grief or extreme happiness. Any exception to this makes tears attract dyslogistic adjectives such as “ridiculous”, “sissy”, “silly”, “effeminate” and the worst of them all and most casual one is “woman-like”.
In short, there is an overriding tendency to disparage emotional behaviour and look down upon tears because apparently they “show the individual’s weakness”, and very few want to be associated with the frail and feeble.
Inveterate lamenters who cry all the time don’t care; they give a damn about the dam between the tears and the world outside.
Just about any loss—real or imaginative—makes them breach the barrier at any hour of the day, in any situation of life, for anything whatsoever. No holds barred.
We all know these patients of ocular diarrhoea and find it strenuous to value them or their grief exhibited by tears.
Picture A: Right slant with bouncy baseline
In handwriting analysis, people who lack emotional control are identified by a certain extremity in the right slant coupled with a bouncy baseline.
There are many exceptions to these indicators and we’ll talk about these emotional freaks in detail in another article.
Here, we’ll talk about the other extreme; those who don’t sell tears. Yes, the same person who sits in the corner and seldom shouts, scarcely screams, rarely reacts, keeps cool, looks detached and appears unperturbed.
All the time.
All of us know a few such people in our lives. They look inviolable and strong.
How well do you think you know such people? How do they deal with their emotional pain if they never let the pearls roll down their cheeks? Mind you, they don’t even share their grief with others.
Is it possible that they have secret tears that nobody knows about? Is it likely they never reveal even to their “best” friends that they cry in private even when something very minor upsets them? Do they always put up a brave front in the face of losses or hurt though all they want to do is to break down and cry?
Well, the answers to these questions perhaps shape some secret realities of their well-guarded private lives that might be identical to those of many of us.
One of the realities is that no matter what others’ views are on tears, many such “strong” people do let their tears flow when they want to and make sure nobody knows about it—maybe just to deflect derision.
On my way back home from office every night by local train, I often choose to stand at the gate because the compartments are not crowded at that hour of the day and it’s a delight braving the gush of wind.
One day last week when I was going home, I stood there, looking aimlessly at things that whizzed past in the darkness outside.
Suddenly, I was startled by a few drops that scurried down my cheeks. Thankfully, nothing dries faster than tears. I was relieved.
I looked around. Nobody had noticed the freedom-seeking drops. It happened to me a few times that week. The reason behind the pain that triggered those tears is personal. And nobody except me knows that. I don’t feel the need to share it.
The point I am trying to make here is that some people, especially men, have a tendency to desist from displaying emotions.
In interpersonal relationships, they are written off as unemotional people who “don’t understand emotions and have no feelings”.
Emotion vs emotional
Talking of emotions: each of us has emotions. But are we all emotional? Perhaps no. Even if we are, do we all show it? Perhaps no.
Apparently, many people don’t exhibit emotions because they are not sure whether their emotions will be respected and “understood well” by others.
Therefore, emotions are reined and chained and they are freed only in a secured environment where the chances of getting an audience are negligible.
Ok, how do we know how emotional a person is? Is crying the only criterion? I agree that those who shed tears more often than not are emotional people. But those who don’t aren’t? Let’s find it out from handwriting.
In order to store anything whatsoever, you need space. If you have too much space to store emotions in your life, it shows in your handwriting: the loops. That’s where you stock imagination.
In picture B, notice the loops in l’s, g and y.
The loopier the writing and heavier the writing pressure, the more emotions a person has. Also, the cup-like formations between two connected letters (e.g. see the cup between two l’s and ‘u’ and ‘n’) is also indicative of a person’s capacity to contain emotions.
However, that does not mean that he will be emotional as well. Whether he will express it or not is known by the slant and pressure of his writing. The heavier the pressure, the greater the emotional intensity and force.
In handwriting analysis, a writer with straight writing (with moderate pressure) invariably uses his intellect to make decisions. He is ruled by his head, not heart.
Some may see him as cold or unemotional. It’s not true. He does have emotions but has no need to express them. The writer does not express emotions until they become extreme or build up over time.
PICTURE C: Slant of the writing is left. The handwriting shows the writer might have experienced trauma.
Similarly, people with a certain left slant (Picture C) also desist from being emotional. They are socially withdrawn and all emotions are reserved for their personal lives.
Unless their signatures indicate that they will be bubbly in public, such writers are detached and withdrawn most of the time.
There are various slants of writing, which reflect how a person is likely to react in emotional situations. Graphology students are told to pay special attentions to slants that indicate the emotional outlay of the person. If the slant is not determined correctly, it’s likely that the analyst will go wrong.
For example, a stroke in the handwriting may tell us that the writer is ill-tempered, but if he has a straight slant and a firm baseline, he won’t blow up as fast as someone with the right slant and high pressure.
Clearly, the same ill-temper stroke will give different results in different slants of writing.
If a girl with a certain right slant in her handwriting gets involved with a guy who writes with a straight or left slant, she will have to wait for long to know whether he likes her not.
While talking to him at an emotional level, she will feel as if she is continuously drawing water from a deep well.
After analysing the handwriting of a girl, who writes with an extreme right handwriting slant, I had warned her against getting involved with a left-slant writer because a relationship with him can never provide her fulfilment.
My warning to her had a reason: I’ve found that most people with extreme right slant get involved with the left-slant writers. It’s because opposites attract.
By the way, what do we do with the tears with which we started? Let’s leave them here. As I said, nothing dries faster than tears. They will vanish soon.