Dominique Strauss-Kahn
Dominique Strauss-Kahn signature analysis
Catching a running chicken is really a tough task. But for most children in small villages, it’s a cakewalk.
My guess is that these little brats gave covert coaching to Dominique Strauss-Kahn, the managing director of the International Monetary Fund.
Last week, a 32-year-old chambermaid accused the economist of trying to rape her in a suite of a New York hotel. He reportedly emerged naked from a room, ran down a hallway after the woman, and attacked her.
According to a CNN report, our Kahn babu shut the door, preventing the woman from leaving.
He “grabbed the victim’s chest without consent, attempted to remove her pantyhose and forcibly grabbed her between her legs”. He also forced her to perform oral sex on him. Afterwards, the employee went to the front desk, and staffers alerted the police.
Incidentally, Kahn, who was gearing up for French presidential election with ‘Yes, We Kahn’ slogan, was involved in a controversy in 2008 over an affair with a female IMF economist who was his subordinate. He had then apologised for his act and called it an “error of judgment”.
News reports, coupled with his past records, have kind of established that the man’s fly zips down faster than Schumacher’s Ferrari. So, here we look at his signature (below) and find out a few things about him.
Objectively speaking, I like his signature. It’s very elegant. Its size, direction, and the overall appearance are simply superb.
According to signature analysis, his signature indicates that the writer is extremely intelligent and sharp and a quick thinker. He is a quick problem solver. The proper placement of i-dots and small size of the middle zone letters suggest that the writer is a focused person and is particular about even small details.
The moderate connection between the letters suggests that this Dominique Strauss-Kahn is a deep thinker.
Now, let’s look at some negative points. The ‘m’ in Dominique indicates that he likes to say things without meaning them. He can promise things keeping something completely different in his mind.
The letter e in Dominique is ink-filled, which suggests that the man hardly likes to listen to others. He only likes to hear himself talk. It also means the writer is sensual and has a calculating mind. It shows he is preoccupied with carnal desires and the gratification of the senses or appetites.
Carefully see ‘n’ in Kahn. The last stroke travels deep down the baseline with a firm force. This indicates that the economist indulges in sexual extravagance.
The lower case n is a middle zone letter, but the writer has taken it into the lower zone — the area of sex and physical and material pleasure. This, in a way, indicates that the writer is too preoccupied with material pleasures and sex in his day-to-day life.
According to handwriting analysis, the heavy pressure in his signature indicates that he is a very energetic person. The economist, therefore, has a compulsive need to release it.
Usually people with high energy (reflected by high pressure) achieve a lot in life — the way Dominique Strauss-Kahn did. But when this energy is not properly channelled, it can turn out to be extremely dangerous. We all know how the famous economist handled it.