If You’re a Fast Thinker, You’re Likely to Be a Good Liar As Well!

If You're a Fast Thinker, You're Likely to Be a Good Liar As Well! 1

A new study has discovered that children who are good at lying have better thinking skills. Researchers from the University of North Florida and the University of Sheffield, UK, have found that working memory helps children tell better lies.

Working memory is the ability to process information. The higher a child’s verbal working memory, the better their ability to process the verbal information necessary to tell a believable lie.

“This research shows that thought processes, specifically verbal working memory, are important to complex social interactions, like lying, because the children needed to juggle multiple pieces of information while keeping the researcher’s perspective in mind,” said Dr Tracy Alloway, a UNF associate professor of psychology, one of the lead researchers of study.

A total of 137 children ages 6 to 7 years old participated in this study and had their verbal working memory tested.

They were then asked a series of trivia questions written on a card and were aware that the answers were written on the back of the card in different colours, along with a picture.

The researchers left the room and instructed the children not to look at the back of the card.

A hidden camera observed the children and showed who looked at the back of the card. When the researchers asked them the answer to a question, those who peeked gave the correct answer.

If You're a Fast Thinker, You're Likely to Be a Good Liar As Well! 2However, when asked entrapment questions regarding the colour the answer was written in and the picture, those with higher verbal working memory answered them wrong in order to verbally disguise that they peeked.

Those children with lower verbal working memory answered the entrapment questions correctly, verbally revealing that they had peeked.

The children also had their visuo-spatial working memory tested. Visuo-spatial working memory is our ability to process visual information, like images and numbers.

In contrast with verbal working memory, there was no association between avoiding entrapment and visuo-spatial working memory ability.

This is likely because telling a successful lie requires processing verbal information rather than visual.

According to graphology, if the ability to think faster co-exists with lying strokes in someone’s handwriting, we have a person who can be a better liar.

Disclaimer: One element of handwriting may be analysed at a time, but always look at the entire handwriting sample before arriving at any conclusion.