There are several ‘handwriting analysts’ who claim that changing signature can bring you money.
Changing signature: Reality check
If you wish to be a success in the world, promise everything, deliver nothing.’
— Napoleon Bonaparte
Some handwriting analysis professionals are taking this former French military and political leader very, very seriously without realising that there was just one Bonaparte, and only he could get away with promising everything and delivering nothing. Not everyone is that lucky.
Now, allow me to come to the point quickly.
A #TrueStory
A few weeks ago, a friend—let’s call her Alisha—bumped into a “handwriting analyst” at a gathering. The analyst—we’ll call her Fiona—looked at her signature and told her to carry out a few changes in it.
“What will happen if I change the signature,” Alisha asked Fiona, without mentioning she knew me.
“It will bring a good flow of cash in your life,” Fiona told her.
Having found a shortcut to getting rich, Alisha quickly sent me the signature Fiona had recommended her. She wanted my opinion on whether she should follow her suggestions.
Honestly, I don’t know why Alisha wanted to follow a stranger’s advice with such promptness and alacrity when she had consistently ignored all my counsel on her handwriting and signature.
Well, I’m not cribbing, but friends do take you for granted… sometimes. Don’t tell Alisha about it; let’s keep it between you and me.
Suggestion to Alisha
I advised Alisha against using the signature, not only because it did not look appealing to me, but also because it carried a ‘Bonapartian’ promise.
I don’t know the depth of Fiona’s knowledge of the subject. But in my limited understanding of signature analysis, there is no way in hell a change in signature can alter the flow of cash in your life.
If there was anything so amazingly magical or wizardly about changing signatures, common sense dictates that I, as a handwriting and signature analyst, should have picked up the “best one” several years ago, corrected the course of cash in my life, and settled somewhere in the Bahamas.
If changing signature could bring cash, this would have been the view from my beach house in the Bahamas.
Sadly, that did not happen. The idea of settling in the coral-based archipelago in the Atlantic Ocean remained what it always was: a dream. And here I am, like any of you, working hard to make a living.
Fraud alert!
The bottom line: A signature change cannot interfere with the cash flow in your life.
In other words, what Fiona is saying is nothing short of deception. I decided to discuss this here because according to a legal maxim, it is fraud to conceal fraud.
If at all, changing signature only changes your attitude—the way you see yourself—and helps you break some old habits. It does not affect your wallet or bank balance in any way. Not even remotely. Not by a long shot.
Myth vs reality
It has been my pleasure for the past 14 years to apprise you of what handwriting analysis is all about, and therefore I feel it is incumbent on me to also help you separate the men from the boys, the facts from lies, and, of course, the myths from realities.
Therefore, it will be useful for you to visit a previous article to get a better idea of what graphology can find out and what it cannot.
At the same time, you should also be aware that graphology and its curative offshoot, graphotherapy, have their limitations. Changing signature is not a fix for all your problems. But it can fix many of your problems.
Final words
Changing signature in the correct way—under expert supervision—can even change your life, especially if your current signature falls into the category of harmful signatures.
Using handwriting analysis, one can understand various personality traits, and, if needed, suggest changes in the handwriting or signature to address some personality roadblocks. The removal of these roadblocks could eventually help you succeed in life and make money.
Promises of anything above and beyond using handwriting analysis as a correctional tool are like saying a single political leader can fix all that is wrong with the world.