Just the way you can’t pass a judgment on a woman’s beauty only by looking at her nail paint, you shouldn’t analyse handwriting by looking at only a few isolated strokes.
Analyse handwriting correctly
Before I get into the details of how to analyse handwriting correctly, I have a quick question for you.
How many rotten tomatoes and eggs will a girl throw at me if I call her unattractive just because I saw that the nail in the little finger of her left foot is twisted and half-broken?
My guess is that the garbage generously sent my way will be enough to make at least many litres of sauce and 400 omelettes in the cheap roadside food joint near my house.
You’ll agree that I’d deserve the assault because I should have scanned her other features before calling her unattractive.
Similarly, when you analyse handwriting, it’s inappropriate to conclude about the personality of a person just by taking into account a few strokes in his handwriting. Look at the handwriting sample in its totality.
Understand graphology
Graphology, or handwriting analysis, is the study of human personality through writing. A handwriting expert can understand the personality secrets of the writer just by looking at the handwriting.
When you write on a paper, your entire personality gets imprinted on the sheet. Everything about it, starting from size, slant, margins, spacing, height, width, pressure, connection, or disconnection, for that matter, reveals something about your personality.
So, when you analyse handwriting, keep all these aspects in mind.
When you analyse handwriting, it’s important to take into account several factors of a handwriting sample.
Step 1: Get a good sample
Getting a proper handwriting sample is important for a correct analysis.
How to write a handwriting sample for analysis:
- Write the sample in cursive
- Write on unruled A4 paper
- Use a ball pen
- Do not copy text
- Write in first person
It’s showtime!
Now, that you have got a sample, let’s know what elements to see first when analyse handwriting. It is important to adopt a step-by-step approach to get the analysis right.
Once you have analysed a certain aspect of handwriting, keep noting it down on a separate sheet of paper. You can use this information later on to write a complete report on the person.
#1. Handwriting Margins
Handwriting samples with wide left margin (top) and narrow left margin.
When you analyse handwriting, remember to analyse the left and the right margins accurately.
Graphology: Wide left margin in handwriting
- Writer is running away from past
- More future-oriented
- Risk taker and extravagant
- Forward looking
Graphology: Narrow left margin in handwriting
- Attached to his past
- Refers to past for all decisions
- Attached to old things/memories
- Scared of taking risks
Graphology: Narrow right margin in handwriting
- A go-getter person
- Wants to explore new opportunities
- Feeling certain about his moves
- Believes in taking risks
Graphology: Wide right margin in handwriting
- Does not believe in taking risks
- Says no to leaving the comfort zone
- Very cautious in his approach
- Fears the uncertainties of the future
#2. Handwriting pressure
Handwriting samples heavy (top) and light pressure. When you analyse handwriting, remember to gauge the pressure.
According to handwriting analysis, the amount of pressure a writer exerts on a sheet of paper while writing is one of the most important variables you need to take into account when you are analysing a handwriting sample.
If you don’t get the handwriting pressure right, your analysis could be incomplete or downright wrong.
Heavy handwriting pressure
- The writer is emotionally intense
- Feelings are more enduring
- Remembers events for a long time
- Writer is more vigorous
Light handwriting pressure
- Writer has low energy
- Doesn’t remember things for long
- Shows little energy or vitality
- Cannot sit for long hours
#3. Handwriting slant
Handwriting slants: Right slant (top left), left slant (top right) and vertical handwriting.
It is impossible to analyse handwriting without understanding the slant first. In handwriting analysis, the slant shows whether the writer chooses to express his feelings or not.
Broadly speaking, there are three types of handwriting slants: Right slant, left slant and vertical or straight handwriting.
Graphology: Right slant
- The writer is expressive
- She wants to reach out to people
- Eager to move ahead with plans
- Lose control over their feelings
Graphology: Left slant
- Doesn’t like to show emotions
- Doesn’t want to talk about herself
- They come across as cold, indifferent
- They do not like make friends easily
Graphology: Straight handwriting
- Mind rules their heart
- Do not like to express
- Do not lose emotional control
- Known to give good advice
When you analyse handwriting, do not move ahead without measuring the slant well.
#4. Handwriting size
Analyse handwriting: Samples of large handwriting (top) and small handwriting
When you analyse handwriting, you must look at the handwriting size because it tells you, among other things, how much interaction and engagement the writer wants to keep with people around them.
Broadly, handwriting samples are divided into three categories: large handwriting, small handwriting and average-sized handwriting.
Graphology: Large handwriting
- They’re outgoing & extroverted
- Poor concentration ability
- Demand attention
- Love to meet people
Graphology: Small handwriting
- Sign of introversion, thriftiness
- Can concentrate well
- Do not like gatherings
- They’re reserved and reticent
#5. Word spacing
Analyse handwriting: Wide word spacing (top) and narrow word spacing.
Spacing between words reveals several things about the writer. One of the important things is how much space the writer wants to keep between himself and others.
People usually write with wide word spacing, narrow word spacing or regular word spacing. When you analyse handwriting, keep special focus on word spacing.
Wide word spacing
- Need for distance from others
- Lack of trust
- Creative bent of mind
- Avoids arguments
Narrow word spacing
- Sign of insecurity
- Excessive need for company
- Cannot stay alone
- Lacks sense of personal boundary
If you are interested in reading more about word spacing, you should refer to the following articles:
- Will you do well in a creative role?
- Do you want company or to be left alone?
- Are you a touchy-feely person?
How not to analyse handwriting
It’s true that I discuss individual letters and traits in my articles on this website, but when you analysing handwriting, many other factors such as slant, connection, size, margins, pressure and spacing are also taken into account.
Before a graphologist concludes about a person, a handwriting sample must exhibit several traits that mean the same thing. Else, chances are the analyst will go wrong.
Let me tell you a story.
A few years ago, an adorable friend of mine (I’ll call her Anu) approached me with the handwriting sample of a guy she liked. She dabbled in handwriting analysis and had concluded that the object of her affection is an “intellectual” with whom she would “gel well”.
When I saw it, I realised Anu had not examined some other aspects of his handwriting, which revealed the guy was highly domineering, extremely critical, awfully temperamental and had hidden anger against women.
Now, you tell me now: do you need to have 1,000 hours of flying experience over Bhatinda to understand that my darling friend was going to be in a mess?
The bottom line: graphology must be learned one trait at a time, but it works only when applied as whole.
Things handwriting analysis can find out
One of the fallacies about graphology is that it can foretell the future.
In a letter to me, a businessman wrote that he is studying astrology and wishes to become an astrologer. He wanted me to predict whether he’d succeed as an astrologer.
My answer: Sir, graphology can’t foretell the future, but it can surely tell you many other things such as your present, past, overall personality, mental state, intelligence, sexual issues and relations with spouse.
Things handwriting analysis can’t find out
Graphology is not guesswork. And it cannot predict anything either.
Handwriting analysis can help you choose a right career. It can identify your problem areas, most of which you can overcome through graphotherapy.
Additionally, the science enables you to understand your partner well and know how to avoid friction in your marital lives.
Also, using graphology you can know whether the person you are dating will dovetail into your own temperamental grooves.
Interestingly, graphology can also tell from the handwriting of a pregnant woman whether she will give birth to a boy or a girl. Surprised?
So, now you know what to keep in mind when you analyse handwriting. If you have any query, just leave it in the comment box below and come back later to see your reply.