Altruism in handwriting
Don’t sacrifice yourself too much, because if you sacrifice too much there’s nothing else you can give and nobody will care for you.”
― Karl Lagerfeld, German fashion designer
Just imagine. One fine afternoon, a poor, hungry beggar comes to your place and asks for some food. As a good-hearted person, you provide him with some food from your kitchen.
The beggar looks really pleased now. He gives a big smile, shows his gratitude, eats the food and departs.
You feel a sense of satisfaction as you have helped a person in need without expecting anything in return. A good example of altruistic behaviour.
But what if the beggar makes it a habit and comes to your house every day along with his other beggar friends, forcing you to offer them all the food including that which you have cooked for yourself?
In that case, you’d be overstretching yourself, right?
There’s no doubt that we should be altruistic. After all, altruism is all about promoting someone else’s welfare.
But too much of altruism is not good. This means you are sacrificing everything you have. You are trying hard to please everyone around you, sometimes even the cost of your own happiness.
This kind of behaviour might eventually lead you to feel drained out, exhausted, even depressed because deep down, we all expect a certain kind of reciprocation of our good deeds.
Altruism in handwriting
This is the writing sample of one of my clients. This person’s sincere regard for the well-being of others can be revealed through those fluid letter forms, such as the figure-eight ‘g’ and ‘f’ (highlighted in red).
Altruism in handwriting
This script is very legible and easy to read which may suggest consideration and concern for others.
The rightward tilting and round-hand formation may signify that the writer is a generous person who has the keen desire to please others.
In handwriting analysis, a very commonly used term is: “When you overdo, definitely the opposite is true.”
Here is a loving and generous person who is helping out others “without expecting anything in return”.
But these benevolent acts are not all that selfless in nature. There’s more to it than meets the eye.
Deep down, this writer is actually craving for love. He may be in search of personal solace and fulfilment through these charitable acts.
It is possible that this sacrificing nature has been inculcated in his unconscious mind when he was a child.
According to Greater Good Magazine, though some believe that humans are fundamentally self-interested, a recent research suggests otherwise: Studies have found that people’s first impulse is to cooperate rather than compete; that toddlers spontaneously help people in need out of a genuine concern for their welfare; and that even non-human primates display altruism.
Being a graphologist, I suggest to those having this personality trait is that there is nothing wrong in providing help to the needy people. But there’s definitely a problem when you start sacrificing your own happiness just to please others.
Do not stop helping others, but start considering your own happiness, too. You won’t sound selfish.