Abusive relationships
Women like jerks?
Most women are attracted only to jerks, a report said. I’ll reserve my personal opinion on it and recapitulate what the psychological report was all about. It said:
Women don’t go deliberately looking for a jerk. Women are not bad people at all. It’s the opposite. But women are completely controlled by this ancient mating instinct.
Women don’t really want jerks. They probably want a nice guy. But what women want and what women need are two different things. Their subconscious need is to feel and feel and feel, for which women will go uncontrollably after what they need, not what they want…”
I am George Clooney. Women say I am quite good looking. But I ask all of them: would they really continue to like me so much if they saw my handwriting looked this what you see in the picture below?
Opinions may vary on women’s yearning for jerks, but arguably many girls burn their fingers in romantic associations, howsoever careful they think they are.
They meet a guy and instantly feel they’ve known each other for “many centuries”. They slobber all over their boyfriends and begin feeling strongly for them.
But soon, many of them get back in touch with reality. Spring gets over in no time, autumn arrives before time and this is what rings in their mind:
“Thank God! Now I know why we didn’t keep in touch for the past 2,000 years.”
Some girls find out the truth about their object of affection in the first few meetings and loudly scream: “Interruptus”. But in the lives of many others, sanity procrastinates in coming back.
Soon, they realise they have gone much too deep into the relationship with their dream men and return from there looks tedious and painful because there is too much emotional investment. Like tenacious and novice depositors, such women want good returns from their bets on even lame horses.
Case study
Meet Swati. She is 24 and she works for a private bank and earns about Rs 15 lakh a year. She is a looker and she comes from a respectable family.
She has loads of friends who unreservedly call her a sweet, loving and caring person who is always available for her pals in need. I too have known her for about a year and I’m convinced she’s a lovely girl.
So, Miss ‘Saccharin’ Swati gave me a call one evening and wanted to see me urgently. We met the next day over lunch. She told me she had been seeing a top official working for a Gujarat-based oil company for about a year and they broke up recently.
Abusive relationshipsThey parted ways because he was abusive. He did not respect her or her friends, made fun of her likes and dislikes and always belittled her achievements and job. He called her a “boo-boo banker”.
There were a couple of more minor problems between them: he slapped her more often than not and exhibited a high level of perversion during intimate moments.
Swati said she was sick of this abuse-and-anger-followed-by-apology pattern. Sanity, like lazy employees, came in late, and when it did, she somehow convinced herself to get rid of him.
She showed me the guy’s handwriting and wanted me to tell her if she had taken the right decision by dumping him.
(Even after getting such a godly treatment from him, she was unable to convince herself that he indeed was a god.)
Abusive relationships & handwriting
You must be curious what this god’s handwriting looked like. Because I don’t have the original handwriting, I present here an imitation of it.
In the picture A, look carefully at the t-bar.
Do you notice a hook on the right end? This hook is indicative of misplaced anger. It means subconscious anger in this person’s life is unresolved and he tends to misplace it on people he meets.
That shows he used to blow up his fuse very often with Swati for no fault of hers.
The poor girl always wondered what she did to deserve those abuses. In the same picture, see the twist in the lower zone of letter y (such y’s were predominant in his handwriting). This twist, in a disorganised handwriting, reflects perversion in sexual imagination.
In picture B (below), we have a similar problem in the letter ‘y’. The tail goes back to the left and stays there.
Picture B
That shows the writer has had issues with his physical life in the past and now most of his decisions in the present relationship are coloured by his past experiences.
Such writers always subconsciously tend to compare their present partners with their past ones (whether it will be in positive or negative way is determined by the overall organisation of the handwriting sample).
Abusive relationships & inky ‘a’
The inky ‘a’ in the same word in the picture shows the person is extremely sensual. It’s not a negative trait per se, but in a disorganised handwriting like this, it adds to the writer’s perversion.
A few other factors in the same handwriting Swati showed me reflected that the poor girl was too cautious in saying anything to him because he used to take to heart even casual remarks and harmless jokes.
Once he became offensive just because she appreciated an actor’s body and asked her boyfriend to join a gym.
That was indeed quite frustrating for Swati because she was not able to speak her mind and communicate with him freely.
Abusive relationships & t-bars
In picture C (left), notice the variable pressure in the t-bar and its clubbed ending. When there is extra flow of ink from the pen at the end of a stroke, it becomes really dangerous because it shows that the writer is capable of being brutally violent.
Also, the communication letter i.e. ‘O’ in the picture is damaged because there are multiple loops inside the oval. This particular trait shows the writer’s inclination to turn things in his favour by twisting, manipulating and misrepresenting facts. One of the signs of abusive relationships.
Now, the question is why Swati stayed in this relationship for so long and how she fell for someone like him.
The first answer I found in her handwriting. Because of her low opinion about herself, she thought she would not get anyone like him again. And second, the guy just knew how to get her back: he would praise her very often.
The answer to the second question was in the guy’s signature.
Incidentally, one of the things signatures tells us is how a writer wants others to see him or her.
In this guy’s case, the style of his signature did not tally with his overall handwriting, which indicated that there was a big difference between what he was and what he showed to others.
That is why many partners in abusive relationships discover a few months after meeting that the person is “no longer the way he projected himself to be in the beginning”.
In other words, signature shows how a person behaves in office with his clients and his handwriting tells how he behaves at home.
Don’t we all know some people in our lives who are very nice to others but awfully nasty to their own family members? By juxtaposing the handwriting and the signature, we can discover whether what he is showing is his true face or he will change after the honeymoon is over.
Final words
If you are a woman reading this, I have a question for you: Haven’t you found that you feel painfully attracted to men who just don’t seem to understand that you like them and they ignore you all the time?
Well, they may not be the best men on earth, nevertheless they have a power to attract you. They are challenging. And some women love challenges.
I will discuss in another article who these women are and how we can spot them by looking at their handwriting. But I leave you with a hint: look for stingers in their handwriting.