Your handwriting reveals many personality secrets. In order to have a fruitful relationship, it is imperative that you know yourself very well
Your handwriting holds several clues to your personality. Even better, you can use your own handwriting to make your life better. Here are the seven key things you can find out from your handwriting, using graphology.
1. Get to know yourself better
In order to have a fruitful relationship, it is imperative that you know yourself very well. Interestingly, it is even more significant to know how others perceive you.
For example, you may be thinking of yourself as a “perfect” and “friendly” person with “great manners”. But if you are wondering why you are still unable to make friends or get people to like you, you can analyse your handwriting to see where the problem is.
Your own handwriting will bring you face to face with your shortcomings and help you understand yourself in a much better manner.
2. And, of course, you can know others as well
All of us encounter individuals in whose minds we wish to enter at some level to find out what they think and how they think.
Haven’t you met some interesting people who walk around with an air of mystery about them? Haven’t you always wished to crack their mystery? Haven’t you always wanted to know what that quiet colleague sitting in the corner cubicle thinks?
If your answer is yes, then you should know that the handwriting of that person will give you many information about him/her. The handwriting reveals to you what the person thinks and what he likes or dislikes.
3. Your handwriting reveals strong & weak points
Often, it is said that instead of working on your weaknesses, if you just focus on your areas of strength, most of your problems vanish. So, how do you objectively distinguish between your strengths and weaknesses. Your handwriting will most definitely tell you that.
Once you have identified your strengths, you can nurture them adequately. Likewise, if you get to meet your weaknesses, you can work on them selectively.
4. Your handwriting reveals confidence level
Confidence, we know, is the key to success. Your handwriting reveals whether you are really as confident as you show or you just swagger around to hide your feelings of insecurity. If you are able to identify that it is the lack of confidence which is coming between you and the object of your desire, you can start working on the problem consciously.
5. Compatibility between partners
We have said it before and we reiterate again. You’d be surprised to know your handwriting reveals whether you and your partner are compatible or not.
From handwriting, you can identify the sore points in the relationship and also get some information on how to deal with those problems. With greater understanding between couples, pressing issues could be ironed out with little effort.
6. Sexual drive and physical strength
From handwriting, you can also find out the sexual drive of the writer and what his physical strength is.
According to handwriting analysis, the sexual aspect of a writer’s personal life can be discovered if you pay attention to the lower zone of the handwriting. A well-formed average sized lower zone reflects a healthy drive. (You can read more about sex and handwriting)
7. Understanding your children
This has been proven useful to many a parent. Just by looking at their child’s handwriting, they can know if something is troubling them. It can be instantly found out whether their child is under pressure, slipping into depression or being bullied by friends.
Also, the handwriting reveals quickly whether your child could be keeping bad company.
Also Read: 6 Effective Ways to Use Graphotherapy to Change Your Life